Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sunday 20th September

I think I'm now over the shock of finding myself at a church ladies meeting. Just about. It was touch and go for a while yesterday when I got three phone calls from different people asking me if I would go back. I made non-committal noises and when asked what I thought about the meeting I just said 'yeah, it was fine.' I mean what was I supposed to say : I had a sudden image of why I'm not supposed to go near church events unless they're outside and I can see a direct escape route. I'm thinking that may not have gone down so well and I can occasionally use tact. Not often I'll admit but there are some situations where I not only use tact but I do it well. This was one of them.
The good part of the meeting is that they've mentioned starting a book club. I would actually go to that. I love books. I'll read anything once and if I like then I'll re-read it until I've more or less memorised the first chapter. However, there are a few downsides to this proposed book club. The first being that they've said it would be every three months. I read fast. By the time they get around to holding the book club, I'll have finished the book and have fogotten parts of the plot. The second pitfall is the choosing of the books. I can't see the church ladies reading 'The DaVinci Code' or 'The God Delusion'. I also can't see me reading a book of thousands of prayers and books on how to love god more completely. I've been trying to think on a suitable book to suggest but have come up with nothing. Maybe 'The Witch's Hammer' would keep them happy.

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